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Wednesday 27 July 2016

Damaged Tooth Troubles? Ask Dentist About Tooth Extractions Philadelphia PA

The teeth of human beings are tightly fixed in a pouch or socket inside the bone. Any kind of disease of the gums can cause grave damage to the tooth and it can start to become unfastened in its socket. A tooth extraction is a practice when the tooth is detached from its socket totally by a surgical procedure.

In some cases, the tooth is totally damaged and the dentist is unable to resurrect it back to glory with a crown, filling or other alternative dental treatment. The extraction procedure is planned only if the tooth is beyond repair or it has been decayed by plague deposits. The surgeon or dentist numbs the gum area with a local anesthetic so that the Tooth Extractions Montgomery County PA are painless and effortless. If a number of tooth extractions Montgomery county PA are planned at the same time, then a local anesthesia may not work, and the dentist may have to resort to a general anesthetic to make you doze off when the procedure is undertaken.

Tooth Extractions Philadelphia PA

Tooth damage or tooth breakage that causes unbearable pain and which cannot be treated by cavity fillings or crowns, forces a person to undertake Tooth Extractions Wilmington PA. Sometimes the patient develops weak and damaged teeth because of auto immune disorders and strong medications like cancer drugs etc. In this case the patient has to go through the tooth extractions Wilmington PA to relieve pain symptoms. 

Tooth extractions Philadelphia PA may also be planned in case of fractured teeth, organ transplant, radiation treatment, cancer medications, extra teeth, orthodontic treatment, wisdom teeth or teeth lodged one on top of the other in a misshaped jaw. The Tooth Extractions Philadelphia PA may be simple or surgical. Simple extractions are carried out by dentists by administering local anesthesia on teeth that are seen clearly inside the oral cavity. The damaged visible tooth is loosened and pushed out of the socket with the help of an appliance called elevator. Then the forceps are used to make a grip on the wobbly tooth and it is pulled out.

But sometimes the teeth are deep seated inside the gums and cannot be seen. This may happen in the case of partial tooth eruption or broken teeth hidden under the gum line. In this case the oral surgeon has to use a stronger anesthesia and cut out the gum to get the damaged or impacted tooth out. Broken tooth pieces can also be categorized under surgical tooth extractions.

In complicated surgeries, where the tooth blocks a major part of the socket and if it is deep seated, the surgeon may have to suture the wound together with stitches so that the bleeding stops. The area may be tender and painful after the procedure. The discomfort can be lessened to a great extent with pain killers and an icepack on the outside of the face. Fluid and soft foods may be permitted to give the tender area a rest and warm saline swishes prescribed for the oral cavity are essential to keep the mouth disinfected and germ-free. Keep an eye on the bleeding! After the sutured area is healed the surgeon can decide on tooth replacements like a bridge, implant or a denture.

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